Uproar conference started 13 years ago in a prayer meeting with a few other Youth Pastors. I had just taken over the youth group and felt God make a statement "The largest demographic in the world is Christians but they often have the quietest voice". Uproar Conference was birthed to equip believers to bring the salvation and freedom they have encountered to the world.
We booked our band and speakers for the first year with the intentions of raising the $20,000 it was supposed to cost but at the same time felt the Lord challenging me to present a free gospel. So I went to my Pastor (Dad) and told Him. We prayed, believed and were about 3 months away from the very first Uproar Conference and still had no money. One Friday morning a dad from the church called and asked to meet with Pastor and myself (I was nervous, normally a parent and Pastor meeting is a bad thing). So, we met and he just had small talk with us for about 30 minutes. he then stood up, handed me a check and asked me to open it.... it was a $10,000 check! Half of conference was paid off! I then received a call one week later confirming a dinner with a woman from the church. At the end of dinner, she said "I knew God wanted me to give. I just had not heard how much and as soon as I heard how much the other man had given I knew I needed to match it! Here is a matching gift!" In one week it was paid off!
The first year we had about 300 people attend and we had a mighty move of God! The rest of the story is growth! We have seen God bring almost $600,000 to fund the conference and have seen over 1,000 people the last 3 years. We had to take it out of the church building and into the local arena. The most explosive growth has been in what we stand for the most... a genuine and true move of God in this generation! Sure, the party is fun but we desire for the presence of God to impact the lives of those at Uproar in a way they could never imagine.
This conference is 100% free of charge! We believe that this generation is in need of a TRUE touch from God. That the end time harvest is occurring now and we are all a part of it! The challenge to stand up will not only be presented but you will be equipped to do so! God’s heart is for souls to be won and discipled this is a task we must be ready for! The generation of world changers is here now! I believe that they are ready to break out the church and into the streets with a message that cannot be silenced.
Our Story
The Youth: We value students finding freedom from the mess that sin creates, finding their divine calling from God and having a genuine encounter with God that they will never forget!
Youth Pastors: We know the work and effort that it takes to run a youth ministry! We have done so by partnering with equipcollective.com and hosting leadership sessions at conferences we host!
A Move of God: We place a high value on a move of God...We will lay hands, we will see miracles, we will see prophecy and there will be baptisms in the Holy Spirit!
Truth: We want students to know truth and be bold enough to stand on the truth in their own life and world. Genuine truth brings genuine change!